Library & Labs
Total Book = 5925
Total Titles = 2146
Total Journal = 80
Subscribe =03
1. Addiscent - Vol-4, New Delhi, Dec-2018
2. Adriatic - Vol-5, Delhi, Jan-March,2019
3. Euhheus-Vol-5, New Delhi, Jan-March,2019
Employment News =34
The College has a spacious and futuristic library. The library comprises classified text rooms and reference books apart from a sizable number of journals and magazines available in the reading room for the encasement of knowledge of the students. The library remains open from 8 a.m. to 3.10 p.m. on all working days (Monday to Saturday).
ICT LAB plays a vital role in the teaching and learning process for students and teachers respectively. It gives exposure to the students to learn the subject/lab using the Internet / Self-learning practice tools. We have a dedicated information technology lab for our students.
Computer Lab
The College has well-equipped computer laboratories. The College boasts of sophisticated multimedia computer labs one each for primary and senior segments, to expose the children to the rudiments of computer environment at a young age, when they are at a learning stage and the capacity to grasp is high. This exposure to computer at a tender age would prepare them for the future computerized age. 20 Computer System in Lab all computer conect with Internet.